Supplier Diversity Frequently Asked Questions
Certifications and Classifications
Grand Valley State University does not require business certification from an outside source.* However, there are several options available for businesses seeking formal certification. If interested, reference contact information below.
Great Lake Women’s Business Council (GLWBC)
33109 Schoolcraft Road
Michigan 48150
Office: (734) 677-1400
Fax: (734) 677-1465
National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC)
1032 15th St NW #190
Washington, DC 20005
Office: (202) 234.9181
Fax: (202) 234.9185
Regional contact information: Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce
National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC)
1359 Broadway
10th Floor, Suite 1000
York, NY 10018
Office: (212) 944-2430
Regional contact information: Michigan Minority Supplier
Development Council (MMSDC)
100 River Place, Suite 300
MI 48207
Phone: (313) 873-3200
Fax: (313) 873-4783
National Veteran Business Development Council (NVBDC)
325 E. Crescent Lane
Detroit, MI 48207
888- Certified
*Subject to change
GVSU does not warrant the reliability, quality or effectiveness of any products or services offered, nor does it imply an endorsement of the views, information, products or services provided. All transactions, communications and administration of the products or services are strictly between the user and the service providers. GVSU does not benefit financially in any way from your purchase of any products or services.
Diversity Classification Definitions
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) – At least 51% of this business (or at least 51% of the stock) is owned, operated and controlled by one or more United States citizens who are members of the following racial groups: African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American Indian American and Native-American.
Women Business Enterprise (WBE) – At least 51% of this business (or at least 51% of the stock) is owned by one or more women; and the daily business is controlled by one or more women.
Veteran-Owned Business (VOB) – At least 51% of the business must be owned (or 51% of the stock) by one or more veterans, and the daily business operations of the business are controlled by one or more veterans.
Disabled Person (DP) – Must be at least 51 % owned or controlled by one or more American Veteran(s) with service-connected physical or mental impairments.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) – business owner(s) controls, manages, operates, and owns the company 51% or more.
Frequently Asked Questions
GVSU requires business owners to self-certify their business. Ownership in the business must be 51% minority owned and operated.
GVSU request that you complete our Vendor Profile Application.
Vendor profiles are shared with the Procurement Services buying staff. These profiles are also scanned in to a database that is available to our campus community for review. If there is a need you may be contacted by either the buyer assigned to the particular commodity or directly from the University’s end user.
We are requesting that vendors update their vendor profile everyone three years. However, if there has been a change in your company you should update your vendor profile as soon as possible.
Please visit the following web pages to locate information about bid opportunities:
Some bid results may be posted on the Procurement Services bid page referencing the bid number. However, others will require the vendor to request a formal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Reference the Past Bid Opportunities webpage.
Please reference GVSU's Contract Terms and Conditions webpage.
GVSU Procurement Services
1 Campus Drive
James H. Zumberge Hall
Allendale, MI 49401
Phone: (616) 331-2280
Fax: (616) 331-3287
Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Additional contact information can be found on our Contact Us webpage
All invoices are to be sent directly, as an attachment to, or if e-mail is not an option, faxed to (616) 331-3287 or mailed to GVSU:
Accounts Payable
1 Campus Drive, 2015 Zumberge Hall
Allendale, MI 49401
Note: Please do not send a link to the invoice, we must receive the document as an attachment.