Surplus Store Frequently Asked Questions

Surplus Store Frequently Asked Questions

What is the GVSU Surplus Store?

The GVSU Surplus Store sells GVSU property that is no longer being used by the University to the general public. The GVSU Surplus Store also recycles items that fail to meet quality standards of sale. Our mission is to keep reusable items & recyclable materials out of the landfill while simultaneously bringing revenue back to the University’s general fund.

How do items get to the Surplus Store?

The Surplus Store accepts items from GVSU departments. Departments are required to complete a Surplus Property Pickup Request form. The Surplus Store will contact the department with any questions about the item(s) and to schedule a pickup date and time frame.

Does the department get money back from the sale of donated items?

No, all proceeds from the sale of items at the Surplus Store go back to the University’s general fund.

Can departments trade an item for something at the Surplus Store?

No, items cannot be traded at the Surplus Store. However, you can use department funds (FOAP or p-card) to purchase items at the store.

How long does it take for items to be picked up?

Pickups are scheduled based on staff availability. Typically, pickups are completed at least one day every week. In addition, larger items may take longer to be picked up as more coordination of resources is necessary by the GVSU Surplus Store staff.

Does the store accept broken items?

Generally, the GVSU Surplus Store will accept broken or non-functioning items. In some situations, the Surplus Store may not accept broken items due to size or staff capability.  If our staff is not able to assess or fix the item(s), they will be recycled or sold at a discounted rate depending on the defect.

How can a GVSU department buy items from the Surplus Store?

Departments can purchase items from the Surplus Store using either an ISD Transfer or GVSU Expense Card. If you would like to use your department's budget to purchase items from the Surplus Store online, please contact a Surplus Store staff member by calling 616-331-9072 or emailing An ISD Order Form will be required to complete the order. When filling out the form, make sure to include the online item numbers (SKU: XX-XXX) of the items you would like to purchase. Please note, purchases are subject to item availability. Surplus Store staff will initiate an Internal Service Delivery in Workday to bill your department for the charges.

How can a GVSU department buy items from the Surplus Store online?

Departments can purchase items from the Surplus Store using either an ISD Transfer or GVSU Expense Card. If you would like to use your department's budget to purchase items from the Surplus Store online, please contact a Surplus Store staff member by calling 616-331-9072 or emailing An ISD Order Form will be required to complete the order. When filling out the form, make sure to include the online item numbers (SKU: XX-XXX) of the items you would like to purchase. Please note, purchases are subject to item availability. Surplus Store staff will initiate an Internal Service Delivery in Workday to bill your department for the charges.

Do GVSU Faculty and Staff get a discount at the store?

No, Faculty & Staff do not receive a discount at the GVSU Surplus Store due to the already low prices of our inventory.

Page last modified August 7, 2019